Facebook F1 fans have requested Racing-Pistons to join and promote a web petition concerning the blockage of "Fantasy F1 Application" that was embedded in the Facebook social network platform.
If you are a true F1 fan and you used to participate in the Fantasy F1 application, please join the web petition. Petition target is 1000 users but so far only 79 users have joined.

Dear esteemed Fantasy F1 users
On Wed, 13th April 2011, Facebook disabled our Fantasy F1 2011 app at http://apps.facebook.com/fantasyfone (ID #193544624003879) saying we violated their Platform Policies.
Our app has been detected by their automated systems and permanently disabled. They also informed us they will not reinstate our application and we need to go through the trouble of starting from fresh.
We feel that this is unfair justice to us because Facebook should at least GIVE US A WARNING before disabling our app. As an analogy, imagine you're caught for speeding and instead of getting a speeding ticket (something like a warning), your driving license is revoked and asked to retake your license.
All we are asking from Facebook is to REINSTATE our Fantasy F1 2011 app.
We are fully ready to cooperate with them to remove whatever features in the app that Facebook may feel not in good terms with their policies.
Furthermore, we paid for Facebook ads to promote this app and we feel this is not a fair way to treat a paying customer
Facebook has always insist on offering positive experiences to users, but right now a lot of users are having BAD experiences because the Fantasy F1 app is missing. We have received more than 10 complaints from users.
Please sign this petition so that we can sent this to Facebook Platform Operations personnel
Thank you in advance for signing this petition.
Warm regards,
P/S: Other Facebook apps developers are also experiencing the same problem with Facebook auto-app-disabling system