NASCAR underlined its commitment to “green” energy by announcing a six-year partnership with American Ethanol and the Growth Energy ethanol coalition, which includes suppliers and farmers.
NASCAR had already announced its decision to move to an ethanol mix for its three major national racing series next season and the recent announcement just names the Growth Energy group as the official NASCAR “partner” re-emphasizing NASCAR’s drive toward new energy forms.
Growth Energy, represented at Thursday’s announcement by – among others – retired Gen. Wesley Clark, a former presidential candidate and the company’s co-chairman, will use the NASCAR platform to spread its message that ethanol, produced using corn products, has an increasing role in America’s energy future.
Tom Buis, Growth Energy CEO commented:
“There is nothing more American than NASCAR, and there is no fuel more American than ethanol. We are so proud that the bounty of American farming will be used in NASCAR racing.”
At the garage area level, the major change will be that fuel will be dispensed by Sunoco to teams from mobile haulers instead of the traditional fixed stations at tracks.
Additionally, American Ethanol will join NASCAR’s contingency program, awarding money at each race to the driver who records the fastest average speed on restarts and who finishes the race on the lead lap. Also, the green flags used in NASCAR races will carry American Ethanol branding.