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Plans for Liberty State Park F1 Grand Prix collapsed within 24hours

Bookmark and Share Barely within 24 hours New Jersey major Jerramiah Healy made a 180 degrees turn and decided to support a public opposition group in warning the city's Tourism Office to scrap the plans about a future F1 night Grand PRix inside Liberty State Park

Ina public announcement he stated:
"I have come to the same conclusion ... that this type of event is not suited for Liberty State Park. While we work to attract national and international events to our city, we must ensure that they are appropriate and will have the least impact upon the quality of life of our residents and our community."

Moreover, state officials who operate the public park are not confirming if the venue will be approved for F1. According to a spokesman
"Each (park) event is considered based on benefit to users and its impact on the natural and historic resources on the site."

Sam Pesin, president of Friends of Liberty State Park who initially objected to the proposals, commented Mayor's statement: "Mayor Healy did reach out to me yesterday and we had a very constructive conversation. Instead of a negative wasteful controversy, we can all focus on working together on positive efforts to benefit Jersey City and Liberty State Park."

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