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Future New York Grand Prix plans emerged at Liberty State Park

Bookmark and Share Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey, has emerged as a potential venue for a United States Grand Prix between 2012 and 2016. Mayor Jerramiah Healy issued a statement clarifying that Jersey City was approached by Formula One.
"Jersey City is one of several cities they (F1) are pursuing. There have been a few, preliminary conversations and this is very much in the exploratory phase. However, this may not be something that is in the best interest of Jersey City or Liberty State Park."

F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone's London office could not be reached for comment but plans for a future New York Grand Prix have appeared online after an environmental pressure group criticised the project.

A 5.79km (3.6-mile) circuit in Liberty State Park has been designed and the organisers are hoping to emulate Singapore by holding the Grand Prix at night.
However the planned space for the track to be built in looks distinctly cramped. Where is the room for the pit and paddock in their diagram?

Read the plan in full here:
Proposal for Jersey City Grand Prix (PDF)

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