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Ferrari sends subliminal Marlboro logo accusations to the ashtray

Bookmark and Share According to a media report, the UK government is rumoured to have been urged by health experts to investigate the fact that the "barcode" representation in the livery of Ferrari's F1 car resembles the Marlboro cigarette packaging of Ferrari's official sponsor, Philip Morris.

Yet, in an official announcement, Ferrari has rejected such reports and accusations.
"Today and in recent weeks, articles have been published relating to the partnership contract between Scuderia Ferrari and Philip Morris International, questioning its legality.
These reports are based on two suppositions: that part of the graphics featured on the Formula 1 cars are reminiscent of the Marlboro logo and even that the red colour which is a traditional feature of our cars is a form of tobacco publicity. Neither of these arguments have any scientific basis, as they rely on some alleged studies which have never been published in academic journals. But more importantly, they do not correspond to the truth.
The so-called barcode is an integral part of the livery of the car and of all images coordinated by the Scuderia, as can be seen from the fact it is modified every year and, occasionally even during the season. Furthermore, if it was a case of advertising branding, Philip Morris would have to own a legal copyright on it.
There has been no logo or branding on the race cars since 2007, even in countries where local laws would still have permitted it."

A similar "barcode" logo has been introduced by British American Racing in 2003 instead of Lucky Strike's logo in their livery during the 2003 United States Grand Prix. The reason for the introduction of such logo was the fact that the advertising of Lucky Strike tobacco brand has been already promoted by another motorsport series in America, and BAR wasn't allowed to retain it during the Grand Prix according to the American law. However BAR had retained the characteristic "Lucky Strike" red-olive green coloring in the rear of BA005, in order to pass their respective subliminal tobacco advertising.

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